After This Life: What Catholics Believe About What Happens Next


Himself the victim of a hit and run accident in 2004, after which he had no vital signs for thirty minutes, Father Groeschel is uniquely qualified to address this subject. Asserting that we live in a death denying society, he masterfully explains how consoling and uplifting the truths surrounding death, judgement, Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven really are. These topics offer us the opportunity to think clearly about death in order to live fully in God's grace today. The chapters are: 1. Bodily Death, 2. Judgement after death, 3. Eternal Punishment, 4. The experience of purgation: The interim state before eternal life, 5. The final judgement and the resurrection of the body, 6. Eternal life. Fr. Groeschel wrote the book for those who know little or nothing about the church's teaching on the subject, growing old, and for those struggling with illness and infirmities.