Faith, Hope, & Charity
Archbishop Fulton Sheen gives three talks about how faith, hope and charity influence our lives. He speaks on the necessity of practicing these virtues and how they can aid us in our journey with Christ.
Faith: This talk explores faith as a virtue that is necessary for mankind. Without faith, reason becomes distorted. It is an education that only God can teach us and strengthens us to embrace difficult challenges in our life even though it does not explain them. Faith is what sets us free.
Hope: Archbishop Sheen gives insight to the reason God allows evil into the world. He shows that God stopping evil would be the end of human freedom and that God permits evil because He has the ability to draw good from it.
Charity: Charity is explored as not just an isolated act of kindness but rather a habit that must be grown and developed. This virtue is an act of the human will and we are called to love in a divine sense. Anyone can do an act of good, but we are called to make those acts daily occurrences.