I am a sacred person with God-given dignity. My body is a temple of God--not a plaything. God is everywhere, sees everything, knows everything. Darkness may hide me from people, but it cannot hide me from God. Womanhood means strength of character, mind, body and heart. Lack of self-control is a sign of weakness. I want my boyfriend to know I am a woman of strength, honor, integrity and purity. Virginity and purity are still virtues; lust and impurity are still capital (mortal) sins. My kisses and affections are worth more than a party or a movie. The first "NO" may be difficult--after that it gets easier. The way I choose to dress, act and speak may be a temptation to my boyfriend. I will observe modesty for his and my own protection, remembering my own sacredness and dignity. My parents have done so much for me. I wish always to honor and respect their trust. My boyfriend will be a husband and a father someday. He must be a hero in the eyes of his wife and children. I will do nothing to prevent that on my dates with him. I want to be a wife and mother someday. I will reserve my purity and affection for my husband and children. I will always remember that each human life, born or unborn, is sacred and unique and precious in the eyes of God; I will do nothing to harm another person or pressure or support anyone in the killing of an unborn child.
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