Mary Mother of Women Hurt By Abortion Prayer Card
A beautiful picture of Our Lady praying over and comforting a group of mothers. The Prayer on the back of the card reads:
Mary of Bethlehem and Nazareth, wife of Joseph, Virgin mother of the Son of God made man, woman of sorrows, model of Faith, You are our mother, living now in the joy of God's presence, You watch over each one of us with gentleness, compassion and tenderness. We entrust all women hurt by abortion, and their aborted children, to your motherly care. May your unfailing love console our sisters, reassure them of their dignity, and be for them a source of healing, peace and joy. May they find comfort knowing their children are in your arms. Protect and bless the work of women hurt by abortion. Let it bring love and healing to your wounded daughters, and understanding to those who would help them. May its members work with courage, dedication and perseverance to protect all women from the horror of aborting their children. Any may we all be united again with you in the presence of your Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.