Prayer To Our Lady During U.S. Elections

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The prayer on the back of the card is as follows:

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America, we pray for your intercession in the defense of Life and Family in the United States. We pray for the election of political leaders who will respect the dignity of each person from conception until natural death. And we pray for the conversion of all Members of Congress, and all those working in the U.S. government who are promoting the culture of death here and around the world. Through your intercession, may our elected officials in the U.S. reverse the policies that use taxpayer money to destroy Life, Marriage and the Family worldwide.

Blessed Mother, Patroness of the Unborn, and Patroness of Human Life International, we humbly ask for your protection of HLI's pro-life missionaries and all those working to build a Culture of Life. May all those persecuted for preaching the Gospel of Life be comforted by the love and mercy of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and may they have victory over the evils of this world. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us! Amen.